Manage Profile Information

Your pronouns, location, and phone number can be updated in your Zoom profile, but due to administrative security settings at the university, many items in your profile cannot be changed.

To update your profile, log into the UARK Zoom Web Portal with your email address and password. Click Profile on the left.  

Display Name

Your general display name in Zoom cannot be updated, but there is an option for meeting hosts to allow participants to customize their display names during a meeting. 

If the meeting host has enabled Rename, participants can change their display names for that meeting occurrence.

  1. Click Participants in the Zoom menu.
  2. Click More next to your name.
  3. Click Rename.

Hosts: How to Enable Rename in Meetings


You can change your preferred pronouns in your profile and choose to show this information in meetings and as part of your contact card.

  1. Sign into the UARK Zoom Web Portal. Click Profile on the left. 
  2. Click Edit next to your name.
  3. Enter your pronouns in the Pronouns field.
  4. Select an option from the ”How would you like to share your pronouns?” dropdown menu.
  5. Click Save.