Box Tips and Support

Files and Editing

With Box Notes, you can create a Box document for quick reference. You can also open a file from Box using Office Online apps right from your web browser. Once you're done editing, simply save it back to Box.

Box also tracks the version history of any document, making it faster and easier to keep up with changes in a collaborative project.

Uploads are limited to 15GB per file. 

Sharing and Collaborating

The power of Box stems from its collaboration features. 

  • Shared links are great for quickly sharing a document or file for a one-time task. Depending on the permissions selected, a person may not need a Box account to access a shared link. 
  • Inviting collaborators to join your folder allows a group team to revise one version of a file, rather than creating multiple versions. This option is best for long-term or complex projects. There are seven permission levels, and each collaborator needs to have a Box account.

Naming Folders

Because you can be invited to several collaboration folders, it is important to use a consistent naming convention with your collaborators to help everyone organize their folders. For example:

  • For a class within the university, use class codes in the folder name, such as: ENGL1003 Fall 2019
  • For a project with outside collaborators, include "UARK": UARK Chemistry Study Fall 2019

Folder and file names within Box have a 255-character limit.

Restoring Deleted Files

Deleted files can be restored from Trash for up to 90 days after being deleted.

  1. From the web version of Box, click Trash in the menu on the left.
  2. Mouse-over the file and click the More Options (...) icon on the right. 
  3. Select Restore. Click Okay to confirm. 

Leaving the University

Access to Box at the University of Arkansas is revoked when a UARK account is closed. When leaving the university, make sure to transfer ownership of files and switch your Box account to a personal email address.

Contact the IT Help Desk to retrieve work files owned by a user who is no longer with the university.

Box Support

Box offers several support resources, including user guides and video tutorials. Visit Box University to learn more.