Install Read&Write for Mac

  1. Click the installer download link. Click the Download button. 
  2. Open the ReadWrite-mac.dmg file, and drag the Read&Write app to the Applications folder.
  3. Open the Read&Write app from the Applications folder, and click Open when asked if you want to open it.
  4. If asked to sign in, select Sign in with Microsoft, and log in with your email address and password. Click Accept.
  5. When installation is complete, the Read&Write toolbar and icon will appear on your screen, and the toolbar will float on top of other applications.

For more information, see the Read&Write for Mac help articles.

Additional Language Packs

Additional language packs are available to allow Read&Write to read other languages.

  1. Go to our Language Pack for Mac download site.
  2. Click the Download button to download voices.dmg.
  3. Double-click voices.pkg, and follow the prompts.
  4. To select a new language in Read&Write, go to Settings, Speech, Edit Voice Settings. Your Mac System Preferences will open to the Accessibility speech tab.
  5. Select Customize from the System Voice drop-down to view all voice/language options.
  6. Select a language, and click OK. It could take a minute or two to download the language. This language will now be available in the System Voice drop-down.