Abbreviations and Terms
These abbreviations and terms are commonly used when discussing web application security.
ACL | Access Control List | |
AES | Advanced Encryption System | |
Brute Force | Brute force is the simplest way to gain access to a web application or server. The attacker tries various combinations of usernames and passwords again and again until they get in. | |
CA | Certificate Authority | |
CAPTCHA | Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart | |
CBSP | Cloud-based Security Providers | |
CORS | Cross-Origin Resource Sharing | |
CSP | Content Security Policy | |
CSRF | Cross-Site Request Forgery | |
CT | Certificate Transparency | |
CVSS | Common Vulnerability Scoring System | |
CWE | Common Weakness Enumeration | |
DAST | Dynamic Application Security Testing | |
DDoS | Distributed Denial of Services | |
DES | Data Encryption Standard | |
DKIM | Domain Keys Identified Mail | |
DMARC | Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance | |
DNSSEC | Domain Name System Security Extensions | |
DOS | Denial of Services | |
DSA | Digital Signature Algorithm | |
DT | Directory Traversal | |
Encryption | The process of converting data or information into random code. | |
FQDN | Fully Qualified Domain Name | |
FUD | Fully Undetectable | |
GET | Used to request data from a specified resource | |
Hashing | A method of cryptography that converts any form of data into a unique string of text. | |
HTTP Cookies | A cookie contains small bits of data which is sent to the browser to be stored and sent along with future requests to the same server. | |
HttpOnly | HttpOnly is an additional flag used in web development when generating a cookie to help reduce the risk of the client-side script accessing the cookie. | |
HTTPS | Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure | |
IAM | Identity and Access Management | |
IPSec | Internet Protocol Security | |
LFI | Local File Inclusion | |
MFA | Multi-Factor Authentication | |
MITM | Man In The Middle Attack | |
OSCI | OS Command Injection | |
OWASP | Open Web Application Security Project | |
PCI DSS | Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard | |
POST | Used to send the data to server to create/update a resource | |
PT | Path Traversal | |
RASP | Runtime Application Self-Protection | |
RAT | Remote Administration Tool | |
RFI | Remote File Inclusion | |
SameSite | This flag prevents the browser from sending the cookie along with cross-site requests. | |
SAML | Security Assertion Markup Language | |
SAST | Static Application Security Testing | |
SCD | Source Code Disclosure | |
SE | Social Engineering | |
Session | A session is an implementation in the form of an ID given to the client side from the server side when a user first logs in to the application. This would ensure that the user does not log in again. | |
SKid | script kiddie | |
SPF | Sender Policy Framework | |
SQLi | SQL Injection | |
SSE | Server-Side Encryption | |
SSL | Secure Socket Layer | |
STS | Security Token Service | |
TLS | Transport Layer Security | WAF |
Username Harvesting | Username harvesting is the act of gathering usernames. | |
WAP | Web Application Protection | |
XSS | Cross-Site Scripting |