Subscribe to Listserv Digest Emails

Digest subscriptions allow you to receive one message daily containing all posts to the list from that day.

To receive messages in digest form:

  1. Go to the Listserv Subscriber's Corner.
  2. Click Settings next to the list name.
  3. In the Subscription Type section, select a Digest option for the list. 
  4. Click the Update Options button.

You can also change your digest settings using email commands:

  1. Log into the email account that is subscribed to the list.
  2. Open a new message and remove any text, including your Signature line.
  3. In the To field, enter "" Leave the Subject line blank.
  4. In the body of the email, enter "set listname digest." 
    Note: Replace "listname" with the name of the Listserv mailing list. For example, "set UARKList digest."