UARK Accounts and Passwords
It is a violation of the Code of Computing Practices to share your UARK password with anyone for any reason.
Heads up! For the most up to date information and resources, visit the IT Help Portal to browse a full list of services and instructions.
Account Blocked? Follow the instructions on how to get back into your locked account.
Securing Your Account
Heads up! You must provide a current number for a phone you have with you at all times. Go to to update your security info.
Multi-factor authentication is a verification method that is required for all UARK
Your UARK Password
Hacked? If your UARK account was accessed by someone else, update your password immediately
and create a ticket.
A secure password is important for protecting your account and the university's data.
To update your primary UARK account password, go to
Can't Log In?
If you are having trouble logging into any University of Arkansas online services,
try changing your password.
If you are unable to update your password or access your account with your new password,
contact the IT Help Desk.